Seorang penyair Farsi pernah bermadah:

‘ Tidak semestinya dengan memandang (wajah) sahaja cinta terbentuk. Kadangkala khazanah cinta terbentuk dengan perkataan.’

Sebagaimana lahirnya cinta kita kepada Allah swt dan Rasulullah saw.
Kisah cinta Rabiatul Adawiyah kepada Rabbnya, menolak pinangan kerana cintanya hanyalah untuk YANG SATU...dan cintanya Bilal bin Rabbah kepada Rasulullah saw. Wafatnya Baginda, Bilal tidak lagi dapat melaungkan ‘azan kerana terlalu sedih mengingati Baginda. Kisah cinta sejati yang lahirnya dari sekeping daging yang suci, itulah............HATI........yang banyak berkata-kata...

Tuesday 22 November 2011

on happiness

 see the best in everyone  by  bridget menezes

While having breakfast near my house this morning, i read this article, an inspirational words in THE SUN that attracts my attention. To those who didn't have the chance to read it, here it is.

"You don't pursue happiness. It comes to you when you give it to others. HAPPINESS can be sponteneous & natural but it also requires nurturing & development. What brings happiness to many of us is the simple sharing of our lives, done with pure love.

People are always happy when they are with the the ones they love, especially in the absence of conflict. Some have little material wealth but they are happy. Children are good cases in point.

The quality of happiness depends on how receptive we are internally.  Small things like a beautiful sunset or a child's smile can make us happy.  If your happiness spills over into the lives of others and uplifts them, you can consider that  true happiness.

Imagine you've been asked to speak at a special occasion in celebration of someone else' life. Get help from others. Write their virtues out to make an uplifting gift. Instill in yourself the habit of seeing the best in everyone.  Focus on the positive and help others to be the best they can and you will remain happy.

When we give happiness to the world, out stock of happiness increases. It creates zeal and enthusiasm, creativity and adventure.  Great work is done when we are happy.

Happiness is not in things, people or physical comforts, but it is in the mind."

by bridget menezes..
the sun 3/1/11

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