Seorang penyair Farsi pernah bermadah:

‘ Tidak semestinya dengan memandang (wajah) sahaja cinta terbentuk. Kadangkala khazanah cinta terbentuk dengan perkataan.’

Sebagaimana lahirnya cinta kita kepada Allah swt dan Rasulullah saw.
Kisah cinta Rabiatul Adawiyah kepada Rabbnya, menolak pinangan kerana cintanya hanyalah untuk YANG SATU...dan cintanya Bilal bin Rabbah kepada Rasulullah saw. Wafatnya Baginda, Bilal tidak lagi dapat melaungkan ‘azan kerana terlalu sedih mengingati Baginda. Kisah cinta sejati yang lahirnya dari sekeping daging yang suci, itulah............HATI........yang banyak berkata-kata...

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Attaining happiness

I read an article from Bridget Menezes that appeared in the Sun 21/11/11).  It reads:
 " A life that has values is only possible when there is self-reflection through which there can be illuminating change.  Nowadays,  there seems to be a crisis or problem at every step in life. How do we deal with this? How do we prevent the self from becoming pessimistic or disheartened?  Knowledge of the self creates self-respect which enables us to gain a right perspective in life.

Why are the rich giving away their wealth in pursuit of happiness?  Is there more joy in pursuing this road that accumulating riches only to die and have no more control over their wealth?  Many rich die in poor circumstances, in huge mansions with no company except their servants and staff.  The realisation that material wealth is not the only path to happiness was well depicted in Charles Dicken’s Christmas Carol. 

The choice to be happy exist in everyone. The path to find happiness may take a lifetime and for some, never at all.

The needs for a balanced life are few: health, wealth and happiness. The individual’s attitudes and values determine the use or misuse of external things, be they money, people, opportunities or possessions.  Money is not the root of all evil; it is how we use it that creates the outcome - a benefit or corruption.

Someone who has found happiness of mind has attained everything.  What is the use of perishable things?  What exists today may not exist tomorrow.  On the hand, peace, happiness, love and spiritual powers are with us now and will be with us when we die.  No one can snatch them away from us. "

Bridget Menezes...
the author of Self-Empowerement and Spiritual Counsellor.
The star 21/11/11.

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