Seorang penyair Farsi pernah bermadah:

‘ Tidak semestinya dengan memandang (wajah) sahaja cinta terbentuk. Kadangkala khazanah cinta terbentuk dengan perkataan.’

Sebagaimana lahirnya cinta kita kepada Allah swt dan Rasulullah saw.
Kisah cinta Rabiatul Adawiyah kepada Rabbnya, menolak pinangan kerana cintanya hanyalah untuk YANG SATU...dan cintanya Bilal bin Rabbah kepada Rasulullah saw. Wafatnya Baginda, Bilal tidak lagi dapat melaungkan ‘azan kerana terlalu sedih mengingati Baginda. Kisah cinta sejati yang lahirnya dari sekeping daging yang suci, itulah............HATI........yang banyak berkata-kata...

Tuesday 7 February 2012



Inner strength is derived from truth. It is an inner stability which keeps a person in mental, emotional and spiritual health.  The more honest I am in my dealings with others, the more I am trusted.

Honesty is deep.  It is common for people to say one thing and feel another, which, of course, is dishonesty.  This is common today, friends compliment but whether they are sincere in their praises is hard to tell.
Honesty is only possible when I check my conscience and remain true to my highest values.  
Making my heart honest in this way brings the blessing of being deeply trusted by others.

When someone  disbelieves me, I usually tend to argue back and try to prove my point only to find that I am not able to convince them. Yet I find that the more I talk, the less I am listened to.  And I only end up getting frustrated.
Seek the truth in the face of criticism. When being criticised, we are usually defensive.

We should not take criticism personally.  However, if the criticism has some basis, welcome the chance to smoothen the rough edges of your character.
Contentment is another great strength.  It comes when a person lives in honesty and simplicity and has overcome unnecessary desires.

It takes courage to face your own shortcomings, the rewards are freedom, self-respect and the opportunity to improve.

When the truth is practised in daily life, it is honesty.  The more a person moves away from the authentic self, the weaker he becomes.

A truthful man is free from worries and anxieties.  He maintains calm and is balanced.

The Sun(30/1/12)

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